Client Contact Information

Managing how clients receive information about their policy is very important. Within the Simfuni platform you have the ability to easily update client's contact details and choose their preferred method of contact, ensuring effective communication and a smooth customer experience.


Account prerequisites: 

  • User permission: Client view and Client update

Updating Contact Information

To update a client's contact details or change their preferred contact method from their Client page:

  1. Click on the Contact Information tab. Here you can see a section for each available method of contact - email, phone, and post. The overall preferred contact method is displayed on the right side, and each contact method section also has a specified preferred item.
  2. Click "Add" to add new details to a contact method section, or click the pencil icon to edit existing details. Please note: editing a client's email address will update the email that they receive communications to, but will not change the email they use to login to their Client Portal. Please contact the Simfuni support team if a client needs their login details changed.

Preferred Contact Methods

The overall preferred contact method for the client can be set as either email or post. Selecting the right preferred method is essential, as it will determine how the system generates and sends communication.

  • Clients who have email as their preferred contact method will receive all communication via email, with PDF documents attached where applicable.
  • Clients who have post as their preferred contact method will not have any emails sent, even if they have an email address saved. Essential PDF documents will be generated and added to the print worklist to be physically posted.

Sally has email set as her preferred contact method, and both a work and personal email address saved in her contact information. The personal email is set as her specific preferred email address.

For Sally, this means that each email generated by the system will only be sent once, to her personal email address.