Payment Waivers

A payment waiver allows you to void selected payments, meaning they'll not be collected or owed by the client. The specific number of payments that can be waived each year, as well as the number that can be waived over the lifetime of the policy, are determined by the requirements of your organization.


Account prerequisites: 

  • User permission: Invoice update


There are three types of payments that can be waived:

  • Past overdue payments
  • Overdue payments that have automatically been rescheduled
  • Regular upcoming scheduled payments


Charlie has missed a premium payment and his policy is in arrears. After talking to his insurance provider about his situation, he's given the option to have his overdue payment waived. The past payment that was missed is written off, and Charlie's regular upcoming payments continue as normal. 


Setting up a Payment Waiver

  1. Navigate to the relevant policy and click on the Actions menu.
  2. Select "Create payment arrangement".
  3. Review the upcoming payment schedule and select any payments to waive. You can waive multiple payments at the same time, but you may be restricted by limitations your organization has around how many payments can be waived in a single year or over the lifetime of the policy.
  4. Add a note and click Next. The waiver note will not be visible to the client.
  5. After reviewing and confirming the updated schedule, click Confirm to make the waiver effective. If the client has email as their preferred method of contact, they'll be sent confirmation of the payment waiver. See the Client Contact Information article for more details about communications.

Viewing Waived Payments

Once created, the waived payment details can be viewed on the policy Payments tab in the Variations section:

Any waived payments will still display in the relevant payments list for the policy, either Upcoming or Past depending on when they were originally scheduled for, but now with a $0 value and a badge to indicate they were waived.